Problem Area
Students need to be reminded to check in early for a time slot, so that judges know they are coming to compete. If they do not check in, the judges assume they are not coming. Most judges are willing to stay longer for kids who are cross entered, but they need to know that. If students do not check into untimed events by 10:00 a.m. on the day of the contest, we cannot guarantee they will be able to perform.
Each school that is entered must have its teacher as a judge, as well as at least two other judges, either a former student, an exchange student, a parent or a colleague. Other judges will be members of the community where the contest is being held, as well as college and university professors and students, former students, parents, etc. It is imperative to find competent and fair judges so that we make these contests challenging and educational for our students.
No school will be permitted to compete unless the teacher of German accompanies his/her students. We must all take responsibility for the success of the contest.
Teachers are responsible for the conduct of their students at all times and especially in the awards assembly. Students who are rude may be thrown out and the school could be disqualified from future competition. Audio devices such as CD players, MP3 Players or iPods should only be used with earphones unless being used for actual contest performance. It is considered poor conduct to have these in the contest areas otherwise. Skate Boards, roller skates, cycles of any kind are not allowed in the contest areas.
No smartphones or audio devices are allowed in the actual contest rooms. Only those events requiring their own equipment (if necessary) may use them for performance time only – Folk Dance, Chorus, Scavenger Hunt, Vocal Solo.
Please teach your students how to use the maps that are linked to the website in order to navigate themselves around campus. Buildings that events are in as well as parking are specially noted. Make sure students realize that room numbers may look similar, but may be in different buildings. There is a key with the building names and abbreviations on the maps. Use students who have participated in the past as “guides” for the new students!